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phillip lopate
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phillip lopate
He is an American film critic, essayist, fiction writer, poet, and teacher. He has taught creative writing and literature to undergraduate and graduate students at several institutions, including Fordham University, the University of Houston, New York University (NYU), Columbia University School of the Arts, and The New School. He currently holds the Adams Chair at Hofstra University, where he is Professor of English. Lopate is the author of numerous publications, essays, poetry collections and anthologies. He has written three novels:  Confessions of summer (Doubleday, 1979), The Rug Merchant (Viking, 1987), and Two Marriages (2008) where he lays bare the fear and fragility of love, exorcised  through the “truce” that comes with weddings. Lopate's writings have appeared in several Pushcart Prize annuals, in magazines such as The Paris Review, Harper's Magazine, The Threepenny Review, The New York Times Book Review, Boulevard, The Journal of Contemporary Fiction among others. He writes about architecture and urbanism, travel, movies and media for several magazines such as Metropolis, The New York Times, 7 Days, Vogue, Esquire, Film Comment, Film Quarterly, Tikkun, American Film.
CAPRI 2011
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